Bisync Protocol Developer's Tool Kit
Supporting Windows, Linux, AIX and Solaris Platforms
Featuring Both Point-to-Point and Multi-Point Bisync Emulation
BSCLIB is a software tool kit used
to create customized application programs with embedded support for
either the point-to-point Binary Synchronous Communications protocol
specific to IBM 3780 and 2780 data terminals, or the multi-point
version often required by 3270 terminals and other devices. This IBM
protocol is also known as bisync or, simply, BSC. The tool kit provides
a record-oriented Application Programming Interface (API) that works
with many popular programming languages including Visual BASIC, C, C++,
Java, and COBOL on Windows PCs and many Unix platforms.
BSCLIB Applications
BSCLIB can be used to create data collection and distribution systems
that connect a PC with your customers, suppliers, plants, store locations,
or other remote sites which utilize the BSC protocol. BSCLIB applications
include accessing Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) mailboxes, creating
PC-based VTAM and JES replacement systems, point-of-sale (POS) data
collection, ATM machine connectivity, and other transaction-oriented
BSC applications.
Application Programming Interface (API)
The tool kit's API provides a straight-forward means of controlling
the information flow between your application and a BSC communications
link. This allows you to incorporate integrated, customized
communication sessions that are totally transparent to end-users
of your application.
With BSCLIB, accessing a BSC communications link is similar to
record-oriented sequential file I/O. Your application opens a
link, reads or writes fixed- or variable-length records, and
closes the link. In most cases, your application is shielded from bisync protocol
details by BSCLIB's high-level API. If lower-level control is needed,
BSCLIB provides more advanced access to your application.
Software Development Kit vs. Run-Time Library
BSCLIB is available as both a Software Developer's Kit (SDK)
and as a Run-Time (RT) package. Reusable sample code is provided with the BSCLIB SDK.
One SDK license is required
to develop your application. A separate Run-Time license is
required for each instance of your application put into service.
Standard vs. AutoSync Versions
The BSCLIB is available in two single-port versions. The Standard version includes both
BSCLIB emulation software and a synchronous adapter. This version is intended
for the following environments:
- An existing modem is to be used
- Leased line or direct connection via modem eliminator is to be used
- A Bell compatible 201 (2400 bps) or 208 (4800 bps) modem is required
The AutoSync version does not require the use of the synchronous adapter, but
does require a specific modem -- namely a Hayes Optima 336 or 56K Business Modem.
The AutoSync version uses a standard COM port connected
to the Optima modem for dial-up, 9600 bps (or faster) connections to a host
computer. The host must support V.32/V.34 modems over dial-up phone lines
if you wish use the AutoSync version of BSCLIB.
Multi-Port Version
The multi-port version of BSCLIB utilizes up to four
adapters or the 8-port
SmartSync/DCP multi-port
communications co-processor adapter when more than one simultaneous BSC
connection is desired from a single PC. Multiple SmartSync/DCP adapters are supported if
more than eight connections are required.
More details about BSCLib Features and Requirements.