Bisync,3780,SNA/RJE,3770,FTP and Async File Transfer Solutions Bisync,3780,SNA/RJE,3770,FTP and Async File Transfer Solutions
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Serengeti Systems is in business to serve the needs of its customers and employees, and to build positive, long-term mutually beneficial relationships. Serengeti's cornerstones are integrity and faith in the fundamental honesty of all concerned.

Serengeti strives to produce the highest quality products, and maintains an upbeat and courteous attitude in all interactions so customers know their business is genuinely appreciated. Serengeti products should provide each customer significant long-term value at a fair price. Serengeti always backs its products with prompt, dependable customer support.

The Serengeti business model will forego short-term gains for the long- term rewards of longevity and prosperity for the company, its customers, employees and their families. The ultimate goal, always, is customer satisfaction.

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